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Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) Response to Climate Change & Rise of New Industry in Scotland
B2B Matchmaking event: 30th & 31st January 2020
Dynamic Earth, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AS.
The UK government declared a climate change emergency in 2019 with a commitment to transitioning to Net Zero carbon economy by 2050. The CCU matchmaking event offers a great opportunity to hear and discuss technologies, innovations and ideas that can capture and valorise CO2, reduce emissions and develop new income streams. Whether you have waste CO2 streams, technologies to clean, process and utilise carbon, green energy supply and/or interested in using valorised carbon for manufacturing this event is a must attend event.
The event brings together, companies, stakeholders, research & public sector organisations from across the North Sea Region to discuss the CCU opportunities, showcase innovative products, services and business models to enable implementation and scaling up of CCU projects. You will gain direct contact with project developers and have opportunities to pitch your solutions/ideas during workshops or one-to-one B2B meetings.
This event is centred around the Living Labs concept. Two Living Labs, Falkirk Council and Acorn CCS project, will present their CCU related opportunities and challenges at this event.
Falkirk Council aims to enable transformation of the Grangemouth industrial complex, into the CCU hub for Scotland. Plans include an Enterprise and Innovation hub, co-location of academic and industry partners. This will enable testing and scaling-up of new technologies for capturing and utilising CO2 incorporating the use of renewable energy and hydrogen.
Acorn CCS is a low-cost, low-risk carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, aiming to start operations in 2024 looking to initially handle and sequester up to 2mtpa of CO2 increasing to 16mtpa in Subsequent phases. The project is looking to identify sources of CO2, plus transport and capture technologies. It plans to open CCU activities from storage sites as capacity for storage increases.
The matchmaking event offers you the following opportunities:
- Initiate new partnerships with national and international companies, research institutions and governmental authorities active on CCU (CO2 providers, Green energy providers, hydrogen
technologies & services, CCU technology companies, biotechnology, manufacturing, horticulture) - Involvement with innovative project developments
- Network with international experts in your field of interest
In collaboration with